Monday, March 10, 2014

Stress Into Success

Stress into Success

Resolution, progress, answers, solutions, decisions, choices, options, outcomes, results, success.

Nice words, good feelings. How fun to be full of good questions that lead to good answers.

One of the ways I know I have good questions is that I have good answers. When the answers or solutions I’m coming up with suck, I’m asking bad questions. The worse the answers, the worse the questions.

It’s one of the reasons it pays to be self-aware, so that we can notice our bad questions and change them before the answers get us by the throat.

We know we are asking bad questions when we stop feeling good. It’s that simple.

Why do I feel good? How do I know I am right? What makes me victorious?

Many of us feel like we are under a lot of stress. There is a verb we use in NLP that I like a lot; to presuppose. In order for us to be under stress, we have to presuppose that stress is a real thing. So we have two things so far. One, stress is a thing. Two, we can be under it.

The same thing works for the notion of success. One, we presuppose success is a thing, and two, that we can have it.

Both of those ideas are based on our judgments. I judge this as bad, so I go to stress, I judge this as good, so I go to success. Using our judgment is really important, and learning to use it to decide when it’s a good idea to unchoose stress as a thing can transform a day from an awful disaster to something fine.

When we are stuck in the past, we can get depressed. Depression is rage turned inward.  We are having big feelings about how our past played out, and we are hanging onto that angry feeling, to resentments, to shame, to guilt. We presuppose that things should have gone differently than they did, and that we somehow lost out.

When we are stuck in the future, we can get anxious. Anxiety is negative fantasies about ourselves. We may say to ourselves, “I’m worried about so-and-so” but we really mean that we are scared for ourselves and how we would feel if something bad were to happen to someone we love. We presuppose that something bad will happen and we will lose out.

When we choose to be in the present, we let our life flow.We presuppose that everything changes. We presuppose that everything happens in its time, with good in it, and that we can find the good. We presuppose that we have power to make a positive impact. We presuppose that we are enough, that we are good, that good things happen for us. We have a lot of presuppositions, but they support our well being, our growth and evolution, and support us supporting each other. We understand that loss without judgment is change.

When I choose to experience my life as flow, miracles happen. I am successful. I feel fantastic, engaged, wise, and happy. When I am present, change is change, neither loss nor gain. I am full of compassion for both of us, for all of us.

How have I changed from choosing stress to choosing success?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2014 all rights reserved 03102014

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