Friday, February 22, 2013

Love Letter

Love Letter

This is not a new topic for me, for us, but it’s one of my favorites, namely, how wonderful you are.

One of the things that has happened as I have practiced what I preach is that I appreciate you more all the time. There are so many reasons, I can only address a few of them.

You are trying so hard to make a nice life for yourself and your loved ones. I see you, or hear you, or read you, doing your best day after day. I respect your efforts so much.

Why do I do my best?

You’ve learned valuable stuff I haven’t, and I like to learn from you. You offer me good challenges, ask me good questions, and offer me good insights. I see you relaxing into your wisdom more each day.

How do I know I am wise?

I see you letting go of fears, of anger and resentments. I see you looking past the annoying crap that others do, and looking into their hearts. I see you finding your way in your heart to love them at their core, and not confusing the behavior with the person.

What makes me love the real you?

I see your loving heart, caring so deeply about stuff. I see your commitment, your love of your family and friends.

Why do I care?

I see you often put yourself last, doing what you can to take care of us, staying up too late, eating weird, working too much. I see you making efforts to change that. I see you moving your body, striving for good nutrition.

Why do I treat my whole self with respect?

I see you seeking balance in your daily life. I see you spending some time with meditation, exercise, diligent work. I even see you making time to play. You are so fun to play with!

How have I changed from being a drudge to enjoying all aspects of my life?

I see you facing the challenges that come your way. I see you asking for help, I see you actually receiving help. I see you meeting your challenges with grace and gratitude. I am so impressed by you.

Why do I find the silver lining?

You were born out of a miracle, you have grown into a living miracle. You are unique and glorious. You are brilliant, and tender, and powerful. I am so happy you are here.

How have I changed from denying it to accepting the miracle of my life?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 02222013

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