Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Spooky Smart

Spooky Smart

Universal, infinite wisdom. Divine, infinite being. Natural life of bliss and satisfaction. Sentence fragments, sure, but so much content.

Over and over again I am confronted with a very simple concept. When I am clenched , stuff is more challenging, and when I relax, things are easier.

One place I find this to be true is with solving stuff, figuring things out, remembering stuff, being smart in general. I find it much easier to do that when I let my mind relax. I know I’ve kind of been going on about relaxing, but, dang.

In my qigong practice there are three rules: Don’t worry. Don’t intellectualize. Relax.

There are three more rules: Relax. Relax. Relax.

When I remember to relax, I remember that I do what I can, and let go of the rest. When I remember to relax, I can let stuff flow, my thoughts, my emotions, my responses to life. When I relax, time stops racing past me. Days slow down to a nice day-length, weeks are a nice week-length and a year takes a whole year, like it did when I was a kid. I really love that.

When I relax, the wisdom of the universe can flow through me.

How do I know I am brilliant? Why am I so wise? How am I clever?

I have met several people in my life who are spooky school-smart. They remember stuff from college like nobody’s business. They have IQs in the 170s. Or something. I have also met people who have music smarts that blow me away, or visual art smarts, or people smarts, or cooking smarts, or physical being smarts.

Point is, we are all brilliant. I have to work at math, but I can read your face and body stuff pretty well.

How are you brilliant? Where does your brilliance shine? What do you excel at?

As we own our skills, and talents, and gifts, our self-esteem grows, we feel good about who we are, what we can do. Because we are connecting with our core self, our natural self, we feel less attachment to our ego-self, that part of us that wants everything to stay exactly the way it is. We feel excited for change, excited by the flow of our lives, we love to be surprised by what’s next, and we feel competent, strong, and capable of handling whatever comes our way.

Like you, I am a work in progress when it comes to this stuff. Like you, I have stuff come up on the outside, and come up on the inside. Like you, I plug away at it, doing what I can to remember what helps me keep moving forward. I try to remember to be kind, to have compassion, to stay peaceful. I don’t always succeed, sometimes I really screw up. I get angry, and ashamed, and fearful. I worry.

But I am much better, as my life lately has been pointing out to me, thank you, Life.

How have I changed from feeling stupid to owning my brilliance?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2014 all rights reserved 04022014

What did you like in today's contemplation? Did you get it about how smart you are? If you like what you find here, please + or share. Thanks. How do you know you are brilliant?

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