Monday, June 23, 2014

Mind Treasure

Mind Treasure

You know I believe I live a life of luxury that most of the kings in the history of the world would boggle at. My comfy home with climate control. Refrigerated food in an amazing variety. Electricity that brings me light, music, movies, instant communication, cool breezes on a hot day, warm breezes on a chilly day. Amazing friends around the world. Lovely clothes in all my favorite colors. Oh, and shoes that feel good to wear and that I think are cute.

But there is one luxury that I often take for granted. I bet many of us take it for granted, too. Do you wanna guess?

Each of us has the luxury of thought.

Why can I choose? How do I decide? Why would I choose happy?

Each of us can think whatever the heck we choose. Whenever we want. Great googly moogly. We can think beautiful thoughts, we can think dark thoughts. We can imagine whole worlds, make up relationships, imagine different lives.

We can use our thoughts to change our lives from the inside out, and that means lasting change.

While I can’t change you, and don’t have much control on the outside, I have a huge amount of control over what I think.

The people who do this sort of measuring say that 88% of our thought is unconscious. That means we have 12% that we can notice. And of that those same folks say that 90% of our conscious thought is habitual. I don’t know if those stats are true, but I do know that, once I started paying attention to my conscious thought, I found that I did run thought loops, and that many of them weren’t very nice.

So how to I start indulging in the luxury of thought?

My first step is to start noticing how I’m thinking. We have different ways of expressing our thoughts. Some of us see pictures, we visualize stuff. Some of us hear words or sounds. We prefer auditory thought. Some of us feel sensations of all sorts. We prefer kinesthetic thought.
Each of us using each modality, just to different degrees.

Now I can start paying attention to what I am thinking, and can assess the thought. Is it habitual? Do I always think this thought when I am driving in traffic, for example. Is this thought light or dark? How do I feel when I think this thought?

When we think dark thoughts, we get corresponding dark feelings. Dark thoughts can leave us feeling tired, scared, stuck, unmotivated, lonesome, and worse.

I can use my good Creative Questions to change those thoughts. And as I rehearse and practice my good Creative Questions, they get into my unconscious mind, and start making those wonderful changes that change my life.

Why would I be positive? What make me feel uplifted? How am I the boss of me?

How have I changed from being a prisoner of my thinking to luxuriating in my thoughts?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2014 all rights reserved 06232014

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