Friday, August 16, 2013

Dangerous Ideas Inside

Dangerous Ideas Inside

Warning:  Deep, strange conceptual stuff ahead. Read at your own risk.

So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about reality, and how it really isn’t at all what we think it is. I buy into the idea that stuff exists outside of me, but until I become aware of it, it doesn’t exist as far as I’m concerned.

That is so weird.

We talk a lot about relying on our senses -- “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but, yikes, if we really did that, stuff would be a whole lot weirder. You’ve seen crazy optical illusions, and heard auditory illusions, and you’ve experience touch illusions, too.

What is real?

I take it on faith for day to day stuff that “out there” exists, and that I’m not dreaming it. Sometimes I forget.

I can only know what I know.

When I am in a flow state, almost nothing exists except what I am grooving on.

When I am sleeping nothing exists unless I am dreaming.

The reality of a pre-school teacher is very different from a neuro-surgeon from a test-pilot from a quantum physicist from a baby.

I’m not denying Reality. I’m just saying that my reality is waaay more fluid that I tend to think. I’m just saying that my POV will shift things around in a heartbeat. I’m just saying that I have a whole lot more choice, control, creativity when it comes to reality than I will own most of the time. I’m just saying that it’s all out there for me.

This is mind-blowing stuff, so take it slow.

When I accept that all creation is for my benefit, I can mold and model my reality to suit me.

When I accept that all creation is for my benefit, I can see easily that I have unsupportive beliefs and that I can change them.

When I accept that I create my reality, I can stop doing things that hurt me, and can start doing things that make my heart feel light and my spirit soar. I can change what I identify with. I can change my physical experience. I can almost anything.

When I accept that I create my reality, your presence in my life is way more significant, because, in a way, I create you. You create me in your life, too.

When I accept that I create my reality, I claim my power, and release ego. I am free to create the world I choose to live in.

That’s all for now.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled reality.

How have I changed from feeling buffeted by winds of fate to knowing that I am my own Creator?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 08162013

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