Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Love Me, I Love Me Not

I Love Me, I Love Me Not

You are so cool.  You’re fun and interesting, and kind. I love how much you care about your personal evolution. I think you are great.

And I know that sometimes, I might like you more than you do.

Maybe it’s because we spend so much time with our own self, more than with anyone else, our patience with ourselves can get short.

Our expectations can get out of hand, especially if we are comparing ourselves unfavorably with someone else.

We may find ourselves judging with wild abandon our behavior, our thoughts, our appearance, our accomplishments, our lifestyle, our relationships.

Sometimes, we may find that we actually hate ourselves.


It’s yet another example of how we create our world. We judge ourselves, then react to our judgement as though it were Truth. It so rarely is.

We are an expression of the Divine. Yes, you, too.  

Maybe it’s like this. Maybe God had so much fun creating the world and everything else in it that God decided to become a part of everyone, and that way could enjoy creating life all the more. Maybe not. But it’s a nice thought, that I am creating my life as a divine being with super powers, and creative genius.

Maybe, if I spend as much time thinking about how I want my life to be, how I’d like to feel in it, as I am saying hateful things to myself, my life will feel better.

Maybe, if I spend as much time thinking about how I want to be, how I’d like to spend my time, as I do in negative judgement of myself, I might find that my life is rewarding.

Maybe, if I spend as much time thinking about what I can learn from my difficult relationships as I I do in suffering, I might find that my difficult relationships resolve themselves.

Maybe, if I start training my super powers and use them for good, my life will be a thing of grace.

Choice, creativity, compassion, gratitude, acceptance, positivity, the list of our super powers goes on.

If I always do what I’ve always done, I’ll always get what I’ve always gotten. If I want to make my life better, doing what I’ve always done won’t get me there. I need to take it up to the next level. I need to take a step forward.

One of my dear and brilliant teachers always said, “you do know.” You know what you need to do next to begin this phase of your life. You know what you need to do to move forward. You know what you need to do, and you are ready. You have the resources. You have the tools and support. Will you take the change, make the choice, and create the life you want?

How have I changed from spending time in self-loathing to truly loving myself and my life?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 04142013

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