Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Easy Was That?

How Easy Was That?

Wow, that was easy. And so was that! Oh, I sure love it when it’s easy. Easy is fun. Easy is satisfying. Easy is so easy.

When we relax and let go, when we are present and aware,  when we stop worrying and feeling guilty, when we trust the Universe will provide, stuff gets easy.

There are so many rewards for living our natural life. Effortless is only one of many, but for most of us, just effortless would be wonderful.

For many of us, our whole lives we have been subjected to the idea that life is supposed to be hard. We are taught that we should expect to suffer, that it is part of the human condition. Strive to survive, no pain-no gain, life’s a bitch, and on and on ad nauseum.

What do you think when I tell you that it is a lie? Who knows who started it, back in the dark times, maybe.

Easy is simple. It’s mostly a matter of attitude.

I know some of you don’t believe me. I didn’t believe me, either. Well, not me, but all the people in my life who talked to me about my bad attitude. I had the idea that my attitude was immutable, that it sprang from the soil of a doomed fate. (I could spell DRAMA QUEEN.) When people told me I could change it, I thought they were being hostile, judgmental and cruel. Turned out they were right.

So I had to do some stuff to get to easy. I had to let go of my drama queen. I had to let go of the idea that miserable was right. I had to address some topics from my past, and let them go. Doing those things dissolved a lot of old resentments, busted up some bad thought-habits, and led me to Creative Questions.

Why is it so easy? Why else is it so easy? With Creative Questions, I don’t need to “hear” the answers, I just need to ask the questions. These questions get into my unconscious mind, and start working their magic. Why is it so easy?

Why am I happy? Why else am I happy? If I feel resistance to a Creative Question, all I have to do is add the word “would” or “could” and I can keep going. Why could I be happy? Why would I be happy?

Why do I choose? How do I feel when I choose? Choice is the starting point for any change, for any stagnation, too. I need to remember that I have choice all the time. Sometimes I need to think about what the choices are, there are always several, even if I can’t see them, even if they are outrageous. My power is in my choice.

The power of Creative Questions is so great. If you haven’t done so yet, buy your own deck now. Fifty-two topics, fifty-two sets of Questions, and the priceless Guidebook that helps you get the most benefit of each set of Questions, plus a variety of ways to use the cards. Take the next step into really using Creative Questions, and get the results you are longing for.

And it really is just that easy.

How have I changed from believing my life must be a struggle to being delighted that it so easy?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 05302013

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