Friday, September 06, 2013

How to Put Out the Put Downs

How to Put Out the Put Downs

So many of us have a favorite put down we use on ourselves. We call ourselves “loser, screw up,” and worse, we tell ourselves that we can’t do anything right. We tell ourselves we that we are stupid. or lazy, or fat, or ugly. We talk to ourselves in such awful ways that it breaks my heart to think of it.
We can recite our failures with ease, but brush aside our successes with a casual wave of the hand. We mark our failures with even more negative behavior, like getting drunk or otherwise bingeing. And then, in addition to the first failure, we now feel like crap. Awesome.

We are asking, and answering, terrible creative questions. Remember, what makes a question a creative question is that the result is built into the question. So when we are asking questions like, “why am I such a loser?”, or “what’s wrong with me?”, I’m totally setting myself up.

It’s a funny way to think of it, but these are lifestyle questions. They set the tone for our decisions, our choices, our behavior. I know, it’s wacky. So, now the question is, do I want this lifestyle, where I am putting myself down, medicating myself, flirting with depression, or chronic anger, fear, dis-ease.

When I beat myself up, for whatever reason, I am not only doing myself a disservice, but also you, because I am spending all that energy on being awful instead of spending it on my wonderful gifts, gifts that benefit all of us.

How would I feel were I successful? How would I feel were I competent? How would I feel were I accomplished? Why do I live the lifestyle I want?

When we are making big changes with Creative Questions, we have a huge advantage over many other healing modalities for the simple reason that Creative Questions help us change the habit. And therein, my dear, is the gold.

When I am making big changes, I know that using my Creative Questions will support me in making the tiny changes I need to make to allow the big changes to take hold. When I am making big changes, the old habits run wide and deep, so I like to ask a nice variety of Creative Questions to pull up all those weeds, and make room for a good, solid foundation for my new life.

In many modalities, we can experience instant change, but we are screwed unless we can break the old habits that supported to old behavior, or the old circumstances. This is why so many of us fail with losing weight, and regain all we lost. We shed the fat, but not the underlying habits.

Why do I support my new body? How do I care for my body? Why am I so successful?

Why are you so successful? What makes you accomplished? How do you recognize that you are a winner?

When I choose to see myself as successful, competent, a winner, I behave differently. I carry myself differently, and you will see me differently. How cool is that. When we change our thoughts, we pull out new parts of ourselves, aspects of our personality that have patiently been waiting their turn to shine. And we will shine, we will feel successful, and we will be satisfied, happy, peaceful and enthusiastic about our lives.

How have I changed from thinking old, icky thoughts to choosing to see the best me?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 09062013

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