Thursday, March 14, 2013

Journey to the Center of My Universe

Journey to the Center of My Universe

Your inner three year old was right: You are the center of the universe. Well, the center of your universe. And while we learn to see someone else’s point of view, to feel empathy and compassion, we are still the center of our universe.

Accepting that will save us a lot of energy; clearing off some layers of pretending that we aren’t the center. Others can be very important. Children or partners can be our primary focus, but they are not our core.

Only I am at my own core.

This is one of the reasons that it behooves us to like, and love, ourselves. When we disapprove of, or dislike, or otherwise negatively judge ourselves, we create a disconnect.  We often describe it as a black hole inside, or a hollowness or emptiness. It’s what are feeling when we feel lonely in a crowd.

By forgiving ourselves, or accepting us as we are, by choosing to love ourselves unconditionally, we close that hole, we repair the rift, and feel whole again. It’s just a choice. Simple.

Maybe not so easy.  

But here’s the thing. Hating ourselves until we do X doesn’t really do anything for us except establish us in the habit of hating. If I hate me, it’s way easier for me to hate you, and the more I hate, well, that’s just scary to think about.

Choosing to love myself is not only the greatest gift I can give me, it’s the greatest gift I can give the world. Loving myself, accepting that I am alone at my core, is the best model I can be for my children and loved ones. Once I get there, the rest is pretty easy. It’s the beginning of living my natural life.

Living my natural life brings the most wonderful things to me; peace, contentment, satisfaction, abundance, prosperity, opportunity. Success is easy. Relationships are easy. Radiant health is easy. When I do stuff, I have chosen to do it, and I do it well. It is easy for me to always do my best.

Living my natural life means that I feel tapped into my Source most of the time. It means that I am not stuck in thinking about my Problems and Blocks and Challenges and Demands but I am finding solutions, and answers, and options, and choices. It means that things tend to go my way.

Living my natural life means that it is easier for me to see you at your core. It is easier for me to feel compassion for you, to let go my negative judgements of you, my frustrations. It makes it really easy to love you and to support you.

I’d say that’s a big payoff for one little choice.

How have I changed from choosing to hate myself to choosing to love and accept me as I am?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 03142013

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