Friday, June 07, 2013

How to Get What You Want

How to Get What You Want

Consider this. We always have a lot of something.

What do you have a lot of? Do you feel prosperous, and living a life of abundance? Or do you have a lot of junk cluttering up your body, your home, your work, and your life?

It raises some interesting questions, namely, do I have a lot of what I want? And, how do I get what I want? Plus, the ultra-important, what do I want?

One part of the equation is how we look at it. Is my life full of miracles or the mundane? Do I see beauty,  the same old thing, or ugliness?

Take a moment right now, wherever you are, and look around you. Do you see things that warm your heart? Make you smile? Look beautiful? Do you smell something nice? Do you hear something you like? Do you have a pleasing taste in your mouth?

Or do you see work waiting for you, obligations, and duties? Or junk? Or bad smells, or bad sounds?

Maybe it all just sucks.

We all have a lot of something.

We get what we ask for.

If I want nice stuff, different from what I have, what am I willing to do differently? I don’t believe in sacrifices. For me, the feeling of sacrifice leads me quickly to resentment. But I am perfectly willing to give up something for the joy of something else, and that’s not sacrificing. I think of it as trading up. It works on many levels.

If I am wanting a certain kind of something; material stuff, a new job, a new relationship, a new experience of a more spiritual nature; there are lots of things I can do to bring it around. If I want a new wardrobe, it will make things easier to manifest if I have cleared out the deadwood in the current wardrobe. It will make things easier if I think about what I want and get very clear, to the best of my ability, and imagine being there with all my senses.

It will make things easier all the way through if I aware of any bad creative questions, why can’t I ever pay my bills? Why are all my partners so controlling? Why am I always behind? Why am I always such a mess? Ew! Bad questions, go sit in the corner.

How do I feel when I am what I want to be? How do I feel when I am where I want to be? How do I feel when I have what I want?

Sometimes we hit mysterious blocks, we feel stuck, or like we don’t get to have something. There are lots of ways to work through these. Get help if you need it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, get clear on what you want, imagine already having it, notice where you’ve got it, and use your good Creative Questions. And let me know what you’re manifesting.

How have I changed from feeling like I don’t get what I want to getting exactly what I want?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 06072013

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