Monday, December 02, 2013

Finding Change

Finding Change

What are you looking at? In your mind, I mean. Are you looking at the past, with feelings of sorrow, shame, or regret, confusion, or the blues? Are you looking at the future with feelings of fear, or anger, anticipating the worst?

Maybe you are looking at what’s wrong with stuff; your kids, your partner, your job, your house, your appearance, your health, your finances. It seems like the list is endless. And I bet you feel terrible. Poor lil punkin.

Stop it right now. You heard me.

You deserve to feel good. You deserve to feel light and happy. You deserve to look at your whole life with a smile.

So how do you do that, when everything sucks?

I know it’s really irritating to hear this, but accept this one thing, and your life will start getting better right away. It’s like magic. This single change will start a chain reaction that will make your daily life easier, your relationships nicer, help you find meaning and purpose, satisfaction, and contentment.

All you have to do is change one thing: your mind.

Decide you are going to focus on the good stuff in your life. Decide you are going to stop living in the shame or guilt of the past, or the fear and worry of the future. Decide you are going to practice spending some time being present, being aware. Decide you are going to relax, let things flow, trust you have the resources, or access to the resources you need. Decide to stop looking for crap; crappy behavior, crappy events, crappy circumstances.

Why do I choose to look up? What makes me decide to see the positive? Why would I choose to be happy? Why do I change my attitude?

Now the amazing stuff happens. You will start noticing the tiny lights in the darkness of your life. You will see a little sweetness, a small kindness, a silver lining. You will remember why you love your loved ones. You will see the child in your face, and you can choose to love her or him all over again. Or maybe for the first time.

You will begin to see how things are right. You will start to feel like things go your way a bit more often, You may feel like your luck is improving.

Why do I change my mind?

We are infinite beings with incredibly powerful minds. When I choose to look at the world as a horrible place, I am denying myself, and the world, the miracle of my true self. When I change my mind, and choose to accept what I am, who I am, how I can be, and how my life can be, I being my journey of awareness. I start to spend more time living my natural life. It is easier for me to take care of me, and of you, and of the other things that matter to me.

Why am I so great?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 12022013

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