Thursday, December 12, 2013

We Should Be Committed

We Should Be Committed

I’m gonna lay some powerful stuff on you today, my dear. It’s about commitment. It’s not what you think.

It’s not what I thought.

In the dark ages, I felt adrift and lost. I felt aimless, and crazy, and miserable. I felt like I was a great, disgusting bag of nasty, and that, among all the other faults I had, I couldn’t commit to anything.

Boyoboy, was I wrong.

I was super committed. I just didn’t count it.

I didn’t count it because who would be crazy enough to committed to living a life of misery? Uh, me. I was so committed, I devoted hours every single day. At the same time, if you had told me you thought I was committed to misery I would have been, you guessed it, miserable. Plus, I would have hated you for saying that to me, and that would have made me miserable.

All that commitment. Wowzers. If I put all that energy into living a nice life? Oh, wait. I do. I am. What a difference the right commitment can make.

We are all committed to something. If you wonder what you are committed to, look at your life. Are you committed to stress, or peace? Are you committed to satisfaction or complaining? Are you committed to having a good day, or slogging through a crap day.

Why is it just that easy?

When I am committed to stress, I talk about how stressed I am, I look for stress-relief, I practice stress, I try to de-stress. When I am committed to peace, I talk about feeling peaceful, I talk about how nice feeling peaceful is, I look for moments in the day to connect with my peaceful core, I practice staying peaceful in interesting circumstances.

When I am committed to complaining, I seek faults and weaknesses. I look forward to spending time with my bitch-buddies to complain with them. I feel a surge when I get something good to complain about. When I am committed to satisfaction, I seek solutions and resolutions. I look forward to sharing my successes with my successful friends. I feel accomplished in some way every day.

When I am committed to slogging through a crap day, I feel awful when I get up. Everything goes wrong, The loaded toothbrush falls on the floor, or worse, the car won’t start, or the bus was early. On and on, one thing after another. When I am committed to a good day, I wake up refreshed, clean and sanitize the dropped toothbrush, and call the auto club, or read while I wait for the next bus, appreciating the chance. I look for the good, I find silver linings, and my day blossoms with interesting stuff, and fun, and at the end of the day, I feel good.

I get what I am committed to. All I have to do is decide and commit. Over and over, but that’s how I got in that old mess before.

How have I changed from unconscious commitment to choosing my commitments with love and care?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 12122013

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