Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Choosing Choices

Choosing Choices

How many choices have you already made today? To get up with your alarm clock, to have breakfast, what to have for breakfast, maybe what to wear, what route to take to avoid the traffic, where to park.

Maybe it was to ignore the alarm clock, wake up late, race to get ready, race to work, feel crappy because you were late.

Maybe it was to get up super early, go for a run, or some other movement practice. Shower, leisurely breakfast, dress for work, take the train or bus in, arrive feeling calm and peaceful.

Maybe you don’t get up at a certain time, or have daily obligations out of the house. Maybe your obligations are around the house, caring for your family, housekeeping, gardening, and so on.

However it goes, you are choosing and choosing and choosing.

Many of our choices have become habit, but even then, there is the option to unchoose it.

Choice is the most powerful of all our super powers, learning to master it, to control it, will do more for the quality of your life than anything else. Learn to do this, and you’ve got it made, baby!

There are some things you need to do for that to happen easily. Seems like there always are, and seems like they are often the same things.

We have to become aware of the act of choosing. We have to notice that we are doing it. And we have to believe that we have choice. When we believe we are victims, we believe we have no choice, or only bad choices. Changing that mindset is the first step.

We have to have a sense of what we can choose. When I was training in NLP, we talked about the need for at least three choices to have a sense of choice. When I am feeling stuck with what seems like one choice, I can often get myself unstuck by coming up with crazy, outrageous options. Opening the mind to it’s creative genius, making up silly stuff, can get things lubed up enough that real solutions emerge.

We have to commit to making that choice. I used to think I wasn’t committed to anything, that there was nothing I did every day. Once I started to look at my life with open eyes, I started seeing all sorts of things I was committed to. Yikes! I don’t want to be committed to *that!*

I want to be committed to a wonderful life. I want to be committed to vibrant health. I want to be committed to vital prosperity. I want to be committed to useful, joyful, peaceful, expansive, engaged, connected, innovative, clear, shiny, sparkly life.

I am the only one who can do that for me, and I do it by choosing it. Over and over.

How have I changed from feeling stagnant, to choosing to choose?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 07232013

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