Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Power of Me

The Power of Me

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and, doggone it! people like me.” Al Franken is gently mocking us in this little affirmation, but how different would the world be if we actually believed that we were good enough and smart enough, good looking enough, spiritual enough, well, you get the idea.

I have worked with so many of us who didn't feel good enough. Who struggled every day with trying to prove that they deserved to be alive, that they deserved to draw breath. They overdid, they over gave, they discounted their efforts, and felt more and more misery, more guilt, and more shame.

Why am I good enough? How do I know I am smart? What makes me engage?

Some of us have just given up on feeling good enough, so we try to prove that we are bad. We do bad things, and feel horrible, and then do more stuff to try to mitigate the bad feelings.

By gum, we are one creative bunch!

What would happen if we recognized and accepted our wonderful qualities, and owned our achievements? What would happen if we stopped wasting our energy on all that struggle? What would happen if, instead of feeling like we had to prove something, and then feeling guilty and whatnot, we spent that energy on creative solutions? Or on expanding our skills? Or just on making things nicer? All that energy being spent on feeling bad. Sigh.

How do I feel when I feel good enough? How do I feel when I own my accomplishments?

When I own my accomplishments, it’s easy to build on them. When I don’t own them, when I discount them, moving forward is really difficult, like slogging through mud.

Hmm, easy or difficult, which would I choose?

Over and over, we find that the way that brings more fun and more peace and more satisfaction is the easier way. Over and over we find that letting go, relaxing, accepting are the ways to a happier life, a joyful life: our natural life.

Why would I relax into my natural life?

As we practice our favorite Creative Questions, as we relax, and accept, everything around us softens. Situations that would have devastated us in days of yore are manageable. Circumstances that would have crushed our spirit become interesting challenges. We look at everything in our lives as an opportunity for learning, for growth, for deep-felt joy.

As we practice Creative Questions, we find that we want to know what we want. We find that we are setting goals with manageable steps, and that we are achieving them. Overwhelming tasks are easily broken down into little chunks that we can do, and we find that we can ask for help easily and free of guilt.

As we practice, we notice that we smile at ourselves in the mirror because just being we is a thing to rejoice in.

How have I changed from feeling inadequate to reveling in feeling good enough?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 08102013

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