Friday, February 08, 2013

Bill of Rights and Obligations

Bill of Rights and Obligations

I want to remind you of something today. You are a divine creation. Now, as a divine creation, or rather a Divine Creation, you are entitled to certain benefits and privileges. You will receive certain boons and appanages, if you are prepared to receive them.

Yes, I’m talking about you, who else? Who else could be more deserving?

You have the right to pursue a magnificent life, full of joy and awe, happiness, peace, creativity, and brilliance.

You have to right to love whom you will with all your heart, without judgment, without condition, without fear.

You have the right to be loved in the same manner.

You have the right to put your well being first in order that you might then take better care of your world, with all the life forms within.

You have the right to discover your genius, to nurture it, to express it, and to share it.

You have the right to feel creative, to feel positive, to feel gratitude and appreciation.

You have the right to experience vibrant health, whatever iteration your body is in.

You have the right feel easy in your life.

You have the right to a rich spiritual life, to sacred spaces, to holiness, to miracles, and to life-changing spiritual experiences.

There are a bunch of other benefits, boons, appanages, and privileges to being a Divine Creation. You will discover them as you go.

There are also certain obligations and responsibilities of  Divine Creations.

You are obliged to seek actively seek a nice life.

You are obliged to learn to love with an open heart in order that you might be loved in the same manner.

You are obliged to take excellent care of yourself and your four bodies; mind, emotion, physical, and spiritual. You are then obliged to be kind and respectful to others.

You are obliged to introspection, awareness, mindfulness, and evolution.

As you meet these obligations, more benefits will be conferred to the point where you will be amazed by the lovely, sweet, happy, fulfilling life you live.

How have I changed from feeling like just a person to owning my divine nature?

c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 020813

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