Tuesday, February 19, 2013

From Nadir to Zenith

From Nadir to Zenith

How do you feel when you are thriving? Isn’t that a great question? Now, settle in; feet, bottom, shoulders soft, face soft, breathe, and ask it again, How do I feel when I thrive?

Oh, yeah. My core feels full of sunshine. I feel soft and capable. I feel generous and grateful. I feel brilliant.

(Just a reminder that when you are asking Creative Questions, you don’t need to try to come up with answers, your subconscious mind is doing that for you. You may notice that you feel different, and you may get answers, but they aren’t necessary.)

When I feel like I am thriving, I have energy, I have enthusiasm, I want to give my gifts and talents. I wake up happy, I go to bed satisfied.

I don’t always feel like that, although I do most of the time. But sometimes, I feel like I’m foundering; weak, wobbly, dim, dumb. I can usually tell when I’m headed in that direction because I don’t want to see anyone. I don’t want to talk to anyone. I don’t want to do anything. And I wonder, “why do I feel so crappy?” (bad creative question.)

The nadir. (I love that word. It always seems like it should be an animal that eat bugs out from holes.)

When I hit a nadir, Creative Questions seem to act like zinc on a cold, they shorten it considerably. It used to be that I would hit that funk in February and stay there through March. (Why won’t you leave me alone! Why are you bugging me?)

Why do I feel full of sunshine? Why is it so easy? Why do I love my life?

The same way that you can stave off migraines by dosing them in the earliest stages, the instant I notice that I begin to feel cloudy, I start playing with my sunshine Questions. Why am I happy? Why do I like to be around people? What makes me want to play with you?

Remembering that my mood is the result of my thoughts, that the events of my day are neutral until I interpret them, yes, even the “bad” ones, helps me to change my thoughts, and then my mood changes, too. Creative Questions are such an elegant tool for that.

Why do I choose to look up? How do I enjoy my day? What makes me present?

I have several activities each week that I look forward to. I discovered that happy anticipation is something I like. I have several activities each day that I look forward to, for the same reasons. I really struck gold with writing to you -- I’ve written every day for over a year, and I am more excited now than I was when I started. Doing my focusing meditation, pulling the card for us, letting the ideas roll around, and then seeing what comes out my fingertips, it’s a daily joy for me, and, happily, you like them, too!

Changing our attitude from getting by to thriving, regardless of our circumstances, makes everything better.

How have I changed from being a victim of my own moods, to directing the course of my days?

Get your own deck at www.tinyurl.com/AmazonCQcards
(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 02192013

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