The Inside-Out Pearl
I talk a lot about our natural lives here. I talk about perfect self. I, of course, talk about Creative Questions. So what the heck am I talking about?
We all use creative questions all the time. They are, quite simply, questions with results built in. When we ask them, our subconscious mind goes to work to provide answers that satisfy the question. “What’s wrong with me?” is popular, so is, “Why doesn’t anything ever go my way?” If we look at those two questions, we’ll see that we get answers like, “I’m stupid, ugly, no one likes me,” and so on, and “I’m unlucky, I’m cursed, I don’t deserve it, I’m bad,” and so on. We often are unaware of the subconscious answers, but research is showing us that each thought we have produces a corresponding emotion, and that when you string a bunch of those together you get feelings.
Questions like those make bad feelings, bad feelings make bad moods, bad moods make bad decisions, and the next thing you know life sucks, and you, and the people around you, feel heavy and miserable. Oof.
So, underneath all of that, at the very core of each of us, is our perfect self. That bit of us that hasn’t been damaged, or hurt, or goozhed on as we live our lives, stumbling and bumbling around doing the best we can. I think of it as kind of like an inside-out pearl. Our perfect self is perfect. Call it soul, or life force, or whatever, it’s perfect, we are perfect at our core. The traumas we experience, our joys and sorrows, our mis-learnings, mis-interpretations, misunderstandings, all these things accrete around that perfect self. I like to think that my primary job in this life is to clean the gunk off my perfect self, to work through the traumas, to correct the mis-learnings, and so on.
Perfect self is available to you in every moment. Each moment of our life is perfect in itself. When we get present, we can start to feel that. It’s nice.
As we get more adept at tuning into our perfect self, more comfortable with using Creative Questions, we get more of our natural life. Our natural life is easy, peaceful, joyful, and productive. We feel happy and connected with each other. We feel engaged and satisfied with our tasks. We allow and accept life as it unfolds without judgement, with pleasure, and gratitude. We enjoy abundance, we prosper, we are generous, and the world is generous with us. We support each other, and we feel supported.
I wanna live there.
I mostly do.
Creative Questions help you get there faster. Way faster. “Why do I feel good?” is a dynamic, powerful tool. The affirmation, “I feel good.” isn’t dynamic, at best it is static, and can even be destructive for us if we feel like we are lying to ourselves. Using Creative Questions, taking time to imagine how our natural life feels, looks, smells, sounds, tastes, all these things help us draw that life up to the surface from our perfect self. And we feel better. And when we feel better, we show our loved ones the way to feel better. And as they feel better, they show their loved ones the way, and we’ve made a huge difference in the world. Why are we so amazing.
How have I changed from believing that this is it, to lovingly cultivating my natural life?
(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 02202013
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