Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Make Everything Better

How to Make Everything Better

Here is an outstanding tip for a quick fix that can help every area of your life. Truly. Almost instantly.

Love yourself.

Warmly, deeply, proudly, kindly, respectfully, joyously love yourself.

We all live on the earth, we all live somewhere. We live with others, in our homes, perhaps, and definitely in our communities. We care about them, and have other feelings, we like to do things for them, and let them do things for us.

And, at the end of the day we close our eyes and it’s just us in there.

Some of us hate ourselves. We feel despicable because we think we are too something, or not something enough. Perhaps we did or didn’t do something at some point in our lives, and we flog ourselves with it. Perhaps someone did or didn’t do something to us, and we flog ourselves with it. We are often filled with anger.

Some of us have disconnected from ourselves. It’s like we have a big, black hole inside that cannot be filled. We are so lonely, our hearts break all day long. We often cannot sleep because the nothingness inside is overwhelming. We sometimes feel like our soul moved out. We are often filled with fear.

Some of us feel shattered, like the pain we’ve had in our lives has broken us up into bits of glass, sparkly, perhaps, but sharp-edged and kind of useless. We are often filled with anger and fear.

These examples are drawn from my own life, so believe me, I know.

There are so many ways for us to not love ourselves, but none of them does us any good, nor does anyone else any good.

The bottom line is that, at our core we are perfection. We are divine creations of beauty and brilliance and grace. Yes, I mean you! Hating ourselves, being disconnected, feeling shattered, takes a ton of energy. Loving ourselves is energizing. It fills us up.

It is a choice.

We decide to like ourselves, to treat ourselves with kindness and consideration. We decide to forgive ourselves. We decide to love ourselves unconditionally, even though we are so whatever, or not enough whatever. We notice when we think mean thinks at ourselves, and apologize to ourselves, and correct the think. We use Creative Questions to help our decision go deep and wide within us. We get help if we need it.

How have I changed from feeling like a pile of poo to loving myself?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 02272013

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