Sunday, January 27, 2013

From Dead to Alive

From Dead to Alive

Being alive is such an amazing adventure. Things happen to us, we make things happen, we do stuff, we do stuff to others, and they do stuff to us. We learn things and have experiences, and feel enriched and joyous, and full.

Or not.

Sometimes, instead of choosing aliveness, we withdraw, or get sick. Sometimes we even die.


Sometimes we find our situations or circumstances so overwhelming that we just give up, and push them down, out of sight. We pretend we’re okay, that nothing bad happened. We forget, and forget we forgot. And we suppress. We fill up our emotional basement with horrible stuff, and turn off the light, and shut the door.

Suppressing bad stuff takes a lot of energy, and that energy is our life force. When we are using up so much of our life force stuffing stuff, we don’t have much left over for anything else. We feel tapped out, and then turn to food, or drugs, or sex, or bad behavior, or dangerous activities to try to feel alive.

We end up fat, addicted, diseased, in trouble, broken, jailed or worse. We feel dead inside. We can’t sleep, and when we do, we have nightmares, and anxiety fantasies during the day. We are miserable, and don’t really know why. We look at our daily lives, and sometimes it’s pretty nice, so why do we feel so awful? (That’s a bad creative question, by the way. Avoid it.)

Sometimes we look at our daily life and it’s a mess, and we can’t figure out why when we are trying so hard to make things good.

Why do I find solutions? Why do I have all the support I need? Why do I feel excited about my life?

Most people want to help other people, and you will be amazed with how many people and agencies are around who want to help you. All you have to do is ask.

Why do I choose to clean out my emotional basement?

Sometimes we are scared to look at the stuff we’ve pushed down. We think it will wreck stuff. We think it will ruin our relationships. We think it will kill us. It won’t. It makes things better. It makes us better, clearer, cleaner, happier. It makes everything easier. It may take a long run, but often stuff starts getting better right away.

Finding trustworthy teachers and helpers, changing our destructive habits for supportive ones, using Creative Questions whenever we can; all of these things will help us clean up, forgive, integrate, let go, resolve, gain confidence and self-respect, life gets easier, and we have fun.

When we decide to choose aliveness, when we decide to let go feeling dead, or scared, or shut down, things will change. Situations will arise more often where we find ourselves celebrating our aliveness. Solutions will show up. We’ll find help. We’ll find peace.

How have I changed from avoiding my life, to living it to the fullest?

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