Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stepping Up

Stepping Up

We are so crazy powerful. Even when we think we aren’t, we are crazy powerful.

We create our world everyday, expanding it, modifying it. We create our experience, we change our past, we manifest like mad. We create ourselves, not from scratch everyday, but we imagine ourselves differently, and bit by bit, we become that. It doesn’t matter if you believe in it, it happens anyway.

How incredibly exciting!

There are two important things to know about this process.

Thing one. If you are not actively engaged in making your life better, it will get worse. It won’t stay the same, If you don’t evolve, you devolve.

Thing two. We paint our world, ourselves, with the words we use, with the images we visualize, with the feelings-loops we run. If we aren’t thinking about this; choosing, deciding, aspiring, wanting; our unconscious mind will take over. And you know what it’s like in there, that’s where your anxieties, fears, worries, and nightmares come from. Horrible old patterns, sad and depressing behaviors, outmoded, negative beliefs.

I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want my unconscious mind running the show.

How do I do that, get me to run the show, or at least more of it?

Get active about living your life, stop floating, or muddling, or slogging through. Spend a little bit of time every day to think about what you are doing. Why do I choose to live my life?

Find out what you want. I know I bring this up a lot, but can you imagine getting into your car without knowing where you are headed, and just kind of vaguely hoping you’ll end up where you want to be? I mean, sure, some days that’s fun and adventuresome, but it’s not a good way to live, especially if you need to get some cat litter, or Imodium. How do I know what I want?

Get grateful, practice appreciating. Start a Thanks book. Post here. Get a couple people together, and email each other your lists. Daily. Hourly, if you are having a bad time. I’ve had days where the thing I appreciate the most is not screwing up. Thankfulness, gratitude, appreciation, will help. And ask yourself, How do I feel when I am grateful?

Notice your speech. If you want to feel better make sure you are using good words. Talking about debt, lack, pain, suffering, misery, enough, struggle, will attract more of those things. Changing our language to bills, plenty, discomfort, experience, and so on, literally changes our brains, and creates that lighter feeling. What makes me choose my words?
How have I changed from feeling down to looking up?

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