Friday, January 25, 2013

One from Column A and Two from Column B

One from Column A and Two from Column B

I am having a nice day. It’s Friday and I have a fun weekend planned. I have some interesting projects to do at my Clark Kent job. I’ve had some lovely conversations, well, my list goes on.

Today I pulled one of my three favorite cards. They are “Why do I choose?” “Why is it so easy?” and “Why am I grateful?”

Can’t go wrong with that trifecta.

We make thousands of choices every day. Isn’t that amazing? Thousands. Most of those choices we barely think about. A second cup of coffee, how long to brush our teeth, how fast to drive the car, and all the routines we do every day. When there are things we don’t like in our lives, there is a horrible truth, namely, we are making a thousand tiny choices to keep those things happening. When I first realized that, I was appalled. It makes a bit more sense when we realize the question we are asking is, “How do I maintain the status quo?” It’s a question that is often born of fear, with stems from old, bad things we’ve already survived. Time to change it.

What makes me clear out my emotional basement?

Becoming aware of our process of choosing, of the choices we make, and spending some time thinking about what tiny choices we can change makes us free. Why would I choose to be free?

So many of our choices make things harder on ourselves. I think that is so weird. When we choose to engage in a lose-lose fight, or don’t stand up for ourselves, when we over-spend, over-drink, over-eat, when we under-play, under-relax, under-rest; each choice makes life harder.

By deciding to cultivate “easier” as a lifestyle, an amazing thing happens. Wanna guess? Oh, yeah, life gets easier.

It’s really that, um, easy. Decide to cultivate “easier,” make choices to support “easier,” do “easier,” and appreciate how easy it gets.

For example, keeping my car maintained lowers my stress, raises my mileage, keeps my car feeling safe and comfy. Easy.

Keeping my pantry nicely stocked with food I actually eat lowers my stress, nourishes my body, keeps me feeling abundant. Easy.

Enjoying moving my body every day with qigong, yoga, walking, and other random stuff maintains my energy, buffs up my immune system, keeps me in the pink. Easy.
How have I changed from choosing the hard way to thriving in the easy way?

And then, spending some time every day to notice what I appreciate, to feel grateful, to think thankful thoughts, well, that’s just the nuts on the sundae. I like nuts on sundaes, so this time is a great pleasure for me. And the more I am grateful, the more I have to be grateful for. I love how that one works.

How have I changed from struggle, habit, and pissed off to conscious, easy, grateful choice?

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