Monday, June 17, 2013

Money Money Money

Money Money Money

So here’s a hot potato topic. Let’s talk about money. No, no, come back! It really isn’t all that scary.

Money is energy, pure and simple. We use currencies, and numbers, to represent it, but it’s just energy. We exchange that form of energy for other stuff. All the rest, the anxiety, the stress, the joy, and bankruptcies, fortunes won and lost, the thefts, the bequests, all of it, is just what we do with that energy.

Can you imagine freaking out about a babbling brook? That’s energy, too, although we tend not to use babbling brooks to finagle power situations.

Which is one of the things we can do with our money energy. Power plays, either taking it, or giving it away, in the name of money causes a lot of strife.

Feeling like we don’t deserve it, or that we deserve all of it, entitlement, lack, well, you know what’s up with you and money.

Money is energy. We are energy. Everything is about energy. Are we using our energy to support and enrich our lives, or are we using it to create trouble and suffering for ourselves? Am I planting my garden with beautiful and delicious and nutritious plants, or with poisons and stingers and thorns and burrs?

Lots of things move through us in lots of ways. Air is breathed in; the stuff we need, we absorb, and the stuff we no longer need, we blow out. Food and liquid works the same way, in one end, use what we need, dump the rest. And money flows in and flows out.

We disrupt those flows; air, water, food, money; for countless reasons. They tend to be based on mislearnings, Often they are fear- or anger- based. We think we will be denied something we want, or lose something we have, and all sorts of stuff gets weird.

Why would I trust the Universe to provide?

The same way we create dis-ease in our bodies through mislearning, we create dis-ease in our outer world through mislearning, or unsupportive beliefs. In a universe abundant beyond imagining, we create lack. We create want and deprivation. We are, regardless of what we believe, extremely powerful and can create all sorts of realities.

Why do I choose abundance and joy?

Since we live in a world that likes currency, that likes cash, that does the whole money thing, learning to work within that model cleanly is a very useful thing.

There is plenty of money to go around. There is always more if you need it. You can start feeling grateful for your money right now, and as you do, you will find more and more opportunities for money to come to you for you to have gratitude around. Money is like that; it loves the gratitude.

How have I changed from believing in lack and scarcity to enjoying the unlimited flow of money into my life?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 06172013

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