Saturday, June 01, 2013

Noticing the Roses

Noticing the Roses

The earth-fragrant breeze wafting through the window has just the right bite of cool to it for being under the covers. Sun-dappled leaves sway with a bird-chorus accompaniment. Under the quilt made for me by someone I love, with little cats snuggled close, it’s a perfect wake-up moment to savor.

I love being aware.

When I notice what I am thinking and feeling, when I notice where I am, and what I am doing, when I take a moment to tune into myself and my surroundings, I am being aware.

It is such a simple thing, being aware. But, this one state of mind can change everything.

Choosing awareness lets us engage with our lives. Until we start making this choice, we tend to be doers instead of be-ers.

When I am just doing, pushing through, checking off my lists, I don’t much notice stuff. If I don’t notice stuff, it makes it hard enjoy what I’m doing and hard to remember what I’ve done, and that can make me crazy.

When I am just doing, one foot in front of the other, my days often feel very long, but my months fly by, and the years seem to melt away. That can feel sad and scary.

The same thing can happen when our days are full of distractions. I don’t mean interruptions, but rather, the activities we use to distract ourselves from ourselves. Video games, books, arguing the same fight over and over, worrying, overuse of drugs, alcohol, food, and TV; each of these things can distract us from us.

We are very creative and can come up with many more ways to avoid ourselves. But, isn’t that a sad thing, wanting to avoid our own self. This is a good place to ask, “Why to I want to engage with me? Why would I want to engage with me?”  And, maybe even, “How am I today?”

A bunch of stuff happens when I choose to be aware.

I have a much more enjoyable day. There is so much beauty all around, in the most unexpected places. When I am aware, it is way easier for me to see, or hear, or smell, it.

I make better decisions. When I am noticing what I’m doing, I have a memory that is useful to me. I remember that when I go to peaceful, I feel better. I remember that when I do these things, I sleep better. I remember that when I stop rehearsing crap in my head, and think of pleasing things instead, my day is so pleasant.

I feel more relaxed, more centered, more interested in what’s going on. When I am aware, I like you better because I am paying attention. We get along better when I am aware, because I am choosing my behavior instead of flapping around in all my old, bad habits with you. I stop being reactive and become responsive. And that helps me slow down inside, too.

So when I choose to step into awareness, my life gets better. It is richer, more satisfying, and way more interesting. My relationships are nicer, my activities are more fun, and my time doesn’t evaporate.

How do I feel when I am aware?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 06012013

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