Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Todo, Tada, TaDone!

Todo, Tada, TaDone!

And on the sixth day, God said, “Meh, I’m kind of sick of this creation stuff. I think I’ll watch some TV.”

Procrastination, dropping the ball, not getting started, oh, there are so many different ways we have of not getting things done.

And each of those has so many reasons or excuses. It’s amazing some of us can ever get anything done.

Procrastination used to be a big one for me. I felt powerless to do anything about it, and all the attendant bad-person stuff. I struggled for a long time.

What made the difference for me was recognizing that I was addicted to the feeling of danger that came with procrastinating. It took me a little while to see what was going on. It blew me away. Putting stuff off had the same little thrill that other risky behaviors have. That little thrill was the pay off, but like addictions in general, it came at a high cost.

Once I framed procrastination as an addiction, it became way easier for me to stop doing it.

Sometimes, I wouldn’t complete stuff because I was feeling resentful. I’m working on it.

On the third hand, if I feel committed, it gets done.

Why do I commit?

I have had times in my life where I felt like I wasn’t committed to anything. I felt kind of adrift.

The truth is that we are committing to stuff all the time. The question is simply, to what am I committed? The answer is all around you.

Are you committed to loving, supportive relationships? Or to relationships full of strife?

Are you committed to a life of joy and satisfaction, abundance and peace? Or maybe not so much?

Are you committed to clarity, calm, and conscious living, or chaos, crises, and clutter?

Look to your life to see your commitments. Look at your calendar to see your time commitments. Are they in line with what you want? Does your life reflect what you want to believe in?

This is where the “How have I changed” question can make a huge difference for us. Identify the behavior you want to change, and the behavior you want to have, and make your question.

How have I changed from committing to stuff I don’t want to loving my commitments?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 06262013

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