Sunday, February 16, 2014

Divining Your True Self

Divining Your True Self

So, what are you trying to prove? That you are deserving? That you are right? That you yourself are enough? That you are capable? That you are good enough?


Poor we. We spend so much time trying to prove what we are or what we aren’t. Sometimes, we have an idea of whom we want to prove it to, but sometimes we don’t. And no matter what we accomplish, it’s just not enough.

How do I feel satisfied? Why am I content? What makes me accomplished?

When I am trying to prove that I am something, I am moving away from my natural life. Stuff gets hard. I often feel like I’m struggling in my efforts. I have one eye on you, looking to see if you’ve noticed, looking to you for approval, looking to you to make me feel okay. I have the other eye on the task and am asking myself, “is this the time? Is this good enough? How can I make this better? Then I have an eye on how I look, wondering if I look competent, capable, worthy. And I have an eye on everyone else to make sure I am the front runner, often feeling grim if I am, and kind of desperate if I’m not.

Juggling all those eyes is challenging. And we don’t even wanna think about what happens if we drop one.

And, no matter how you feel about me, if I don’t, I won’t . Feel good about me, that is. And all my struggle, all that misery, is for a mistaken notion. Like expecting a return on money we flush down the drain.

Self-esteem comes from me. That’s why it’s called self esteem.

How do I value me? Why do I respect myself? What makes me like me?

When I can make the shift from trying to prove that I’m capable, or worthy, or enough, or good enough, to owning that I already am, not only do I gain more self, but I also free up a lot of energy, juice that I can use for fun, or learning something, or helping.

When I cease trying to prove my right to exist, that I am right, that I am helpful, and own that I am those things, I can relax. My anxiety levels drop, that feeling of desperation fades. I like that.

How do I know I’m enough? Why am I good enough? What makes me worthy?

How would you feel if you only wanted your own approval? How could you feel proud for yourself, of yourself? How would you know you’re are enough?

When I choose to trust that those notions are more true than my old ideas that made me feel bad, I am choosing to step into my natural life. When I choose to trust that I am the one whose opinion about me counts the most, I am choosing life. When I choose to trust that my divine and infinite self is divine and infinite, I can release my limits, and let my spirit soar. It may only be for a flash, but that flash of Divine Truth will be with me ever after.

How have I changed from believing mislearnings to trusting my divine nature?

(c) Pam Guthrie all rights reserved 02162014

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