Sunday, April 06, 2014

Everything You Wanted to Know

Feeling wanted is one of those things that is essential to our well being. Because it is so important, it’s one of the places where we can have a lot of feelings, not only the ones we are aware of, but the others, too, the ones that are roiling beneath the surface.

Those “beneath the surface” feelings are so interesting. When they start swirling around, we can feel like we are going crazy. They bump around inside us, but we don’t have any conscious thoughts, no words, no images. We are having physical sensations that, because we don’t know what they are about, feel awful.

I know I am having those big unconscious things going on when I feel dread, or doomed, or even when I have a hunch. You know, those belly feelings. Turns out that we have a kind of second brain in our guts; they are filled with the same kinds of neurotransmitters we have in our heads, and sending information about our being up to the brain all the time.

Since our belly brain doesn’t have verbal language, we have to learn to read it differently. The best way I know to do that is to sit still for a while to let the information resolve into something my conscious mind can understand.

In the course of living our lives, we get stuff wrong about how the world works. We may learn bad patterns from our childhood adults who got it wrong from their adults, all the way back. Things as awful as legacies of abuse happen this way. But little things, like cutting the ends off the roast, like great-grandma did because she didn’t have a pan that was big enough, will be passed along, too.

Our minds and bodies are connected, regardless of our recognizing those connections. Our bodies are conveying important information about our well being all the time in the only way they can, through sensation. As we become more adept at reading those communications, we can make our corrections in our actions, or choices, or thoughts more quickly and get back to our true paths of happiness.

One of my examples was a headache that happened at the base of my skull. It turned out that I got that headache when I was ignoring my wisdom. When I would attend to my wisdom, the headache would disappear. I could also make it go away with drugs, but then I missed to gift of listening to my wisdom.

When I am having physical discomfort, I find a lot of benefit in “reading” it. Maybe it’s like a horoscope, simply giving me a point of view to consider, but maybe it’s actually knowledgeable, and conveying personal and useful information. After all, I listen to it being hungry, or tired, or thirsty.

The more we learn to read the information we are getting from our bodies, the easier we will find our living. Paying attention to these messages will let us know the work we need to do to make our way smoother every day.
When we experience well being in our social lives, our career, our finances, our physical selves, and our communal selves, we feel great. I want that, so I try all sorts of things to get there. And when one doesn’t work, I will try another. Reading my sensations, and Creative Questions are two of my absolutely all time favorites for their high success rates.

How have I changed from ignoring my whole experience to attending to all my information?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2014 all rights reserved 04062014

I know this is a challenging and controversial topic. It has made a huge difference in my life. All I ask is that you consider it. Oh, and + or share, if you like what you find. What makes you feel great?

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