Friday, April 04, 2014

How to Banish Negativity

How to Banish Negativity

I like music. A lot. I love to sing, I love to listen, I love to learn songs, I love to write songs. I tend to prefer songs whose chords are harmonious, rather than discordant, although sometimes that’s kinda fun.

It’s also how I prefer my life. Harmonious, I mean.

Harmony isn’t born of discord. It isn’t born of negativity, and I am always blown away by how many of us don’t have a clue how negative we are.

Here’s the tip-off: If I don’t feel good, I’ve got some negativity going on. If I pay attention, I may be aware of it, but chances are good that it’s unconscious thought being my party pooper.

Here is the most annoying thing about my negativity. It’s not your fault, it’s my responsibility. You can be a total jerk, but I have to choose to go down down down with it. Sometimes I really want it to be your fault. And no matter how much I blame you, it will never be true.

Okay, so here is one of my relatively new, dynamic, life-changing beliefs. I believe that part of what we are here for is to grow up. That suffering and misery are optional, and that becoming an adult means learning to grow past misery, past suffering. It doesn’t mean really icky stuff won’t happen, it means that I don’t take it personally, I don’t blame anyone, I am responsible for my feelings, and use them to tell me when I am on my good path or on my bad path.

I also believe that when I am feeling negative, nothing will ever change, and nothing will help. When I am feeling negative, you are an idiot or worse, and you don’t have to have done anything. I may feel punished when stuff happens because I take things personally.

When I am feeling negative, I am giving my personal power away right and left. I often can’t sleep because you drive me crazy. I look for things to go wrong, I discount things that go right, and it will never be enough, whatever it is.


Why do I choose to be positive? What makes me feel light? Why would I take responsibility for me?

Why am I good enough? What makes me okay? How am I clear?

How do I feel when I am peaceful? How do I feel when I surrender? How do I feel when I am relaxed?

What happens when you slow down a bit and really ask those Questions? How does your body feel different? What emotions are you having? Do you like it?

I have been making choices like this for a long time now. A lot of it was trial and error, and that’s one of the reasons I decided to write this stuff down, so you might find it easier. You deserve a nice life. You deserve some soul-happiness, and enjoyment. You deserve smiles that come from your heart.

How have I changed from seeking the cloud to rejoicing in the silver lining?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2014 all rights reserved 04042014

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