Thursday, April 03, 2014

Rolling in the Dough

Rolling in the Dough

Statistics are so interesting. The Internet means that we can just google stuff, and Bob’s your uncle.

I drew the Why am I wealthy? card this morning, so I googled average salary worldwide. Google pointed me to the BBC who said $18000 per year, or about $9.00 an hour for every adult.

How do I prosper? What makes me feel rich? How do I experience abundance?

Sometimes we forget how magnificent the material aspects of our lives are. Or maybe we just don’t know. I sure didn’t know for a long time how amazing my material life was.

My appreciation for the relative luxury in which I live has skyrocketed since I started using Creative Questions.

How do I live in luxury? What makes me manifest prosperity? Why do I enjoy the flow of cash?

When I live in gratitude, when I am relaxed, when I feel peaceful, my prosperity flows. Abundance flows in, abundance flows out, and I am all the richer for it. I find value in being generous, not just with money, but with my time, with my gifts.

These days they are saying that the maximum payoff for happiness from money rolls in at around $80,000.00 after which it is a case of diminishing returns.

So it isn’t the stuff that all that money can buy that brings the happiness. We know, because we are brilliant, that our real happiness comes from the inside. We know that our freedom comes from the inside. We know that our sense of belonging, our feeling of engagement, our feelings of being loved, all come from inside us.

Now, I do love to drive my car. I think it’s super fun, and super comfy, and I feel appreciation for it every single time I drive that car. That appreciation will often extend to all the people who help me take care of it. I also know that I have had other cars I loved, and will have other cars I love. The magic is in the ability to appreciate, not so much in the car.

What makes you feel luxurious? How do you feel pampered? Why would you be indulged?

Sometimes we have music that we feel lavish to, sometimes there is art, or physical movement. Sometimes there is a certain taste or smell that leaves us feeling awash in opulence.

Sometimes that feeling can make us feel very uncomfortable, and, ooh, then we have some work to do.

I have two kinds of tea that hit me like that, for example. Neither one is very fancy, but I feel so treated when I drink them. Knowing what our favorite indulgences are is great, indulging in them from time to time is, too.

How have I changed from feeling stingy to feeling magnanimous?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2014 all rights reserved 04032014

If you are feeling a bit richer, or a bit more pampered, please + or share. Thanks. How do you know you are wealthy?

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