Thursday, January 30, 2014

How to Surrender

How to Surrender

We have a lot of ways to describe it; letting go, surrendering, relinquishing control. Doing it can be really challenging, over and over.

But, boy, is it worth the effort.

How do I choose to change? Why do I evolve? What makes me open up to life?

When we start letting go, a whole lot of nice stuff starts happening. We cease to worry when we let go. When we surrender to the flow of life, we stop being afraid. Without worry or fear we have room to find resources. With more resources, life gets easier, sometimes even simpler.

Why do I choose to let go? How do I learn from my past? What makes me grateful?

As I choose to let go, I accept my past. I cease to hide from it, I own it, and find the value of who I have become within it. I integrate those experiences. When I find myself dwelling on my past, or my loss, or what could have been, I stop myself, and find something else to think about. If I can make a positive change, I do that. If I can’t, I practice letting those thoughts flow through me. Sometimes, I am stuck in a bad situation, then I have to leave it to make my life better. When I am always in emotional pain, I cannot realize my gifts, I cannot fully experience what I can do, what I can give.

Why am I free? How do I know I am evolving? What makes me grow?

Now, I feel like I have some breathing room inside, to breathe in deeply, to exhale fully. Letting go gives me room to find my peaceful, joyful center. Relinquishing control gives me room to slow down, at least inside. Surrendering to the flow of life gives me time to respond to life rather than reacting all the time. I don’t feel like I’m always behind.

I start to feel like time is moving at a normal pace again, like a week takes a week, a month takes a month, and a year takes a year. I feel like I can appreciate moments every single day. It is easy for me to notice my gratitude. It is easy for me to value you when I have slowed down. I can see you more clearly for you, I can see past your behavior, if we are having a thing, to the you inside, the you I can now love unconditionally. I like that, especially since it helps me remember that I am also not my behavior.

Now I want to take better care of me, and it’s way easier.

Now I feel respect for who I am, and for where I’ve come from. I am proud of my growth, my evolution. I can see how I have changed for the better, and on my off days, that gives me strength, it helps me remember that this, too, shall pass.

Now I have more energy, now I want to help you, too. I want to help you find your peaceful center, too. I want to help you let go. I want to be a good example of how to live your natural life of bliss and joy, relaxation and peace, satisfaction, creativity, engagement, intimacy and contentment. I want to be present in my life, and live it fully.

How have I changed from clutching tightly to letting go and feeling free?

(c) 2014 Pam Guthrie all rights reserved 01/30/2014

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