Three Cheers for You
You are such an inspiration to me, to so many of us. Your little kindnesses, your cool ideas, your interesting stories, and fun activities are so engaging. It’s good to be around you. And I get such good ideas about stuff listening to you and seeing what you do.
Why are you such an inspiration?
I know there are days when you don’t get it at all. When you feel like you don’t contribute anything, It’s just a feeling, Don’t trust it, and like the old saw, this, too, shall pass.
It’s the little things all day long, the little smile at the stranger you passed, staying calm in traffic, and when that person budged ahead of you in line. It’s the gentleness with a child, a pet, a co-worker. You do these things without thinking.
Why do I share my passion? How do things flow from my heart?
I know there are days when you think no one ever notices, but we do. And we think you are terrific, even if we don’t say so.
Why am I appreciated? How do I feel honored?
And when we see you doing all the little things you do, we feel inspired to do them, too. Your loving ways ripple out, and have a sweet impact on so many of us. Your smile makes us smile, and we pass that on.
What makes me an inspiration?
You do these things spontaneously, from that place of love. You just get a great idea popping into your head that makes things go really right. You get great ideas about a lot of things, and, because you’ve learned to trust you, you bring ‘em out and let ‘em get some air. We love those great ideas. Sometimes we like them so well, we take them for our own.
Why am I so creative?
And here’s another thing. You are so cool, so smart, and talented, and just generally amazing, but you aren’t all arrogant and swell-headed. I can’t tell you how cool that is. You own it, you don’t pretend you aren’t those things, but somehow, because you are so comfortable with them, and you look for them in me, I end up feeling cool and smart and talented and amazing when I am with you. I love that.
I love to know you. I love to hear about the things you do for your family, how you take care of business at work, the ways you contribute to your community. I like to hear about your hobbies. You are so fun to do stuff with, even mundane things. In fact, doing mundane things with you elevates them.
Being around you helps me to remember that any space, any activity I engage in can be a sacred thing. When I remember to slow down inside, when I remember to be aware, when I remember to feel appreciation and gratitude, everything enjoys significance. Thank you for helping me remember that.
How have I changed from muddling through to feeling clear and appreciative?
(c) 2014 Pam Guthrie all rights reserved 01292014
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