Sunday, January 05, 2014

Is it Really You?

Is it Really You?

The topic of our being divine and infinite beings has been up a lot lately. We are so much more than we think we are, we are capable of so much more than we think we can do, we have such a great capacity for love and being loved, for compassion and being supported. We have miraculously creative minds, an infinite depth of spirit, an infinite capacity for joy.

Our core selves are really neato. Only thing is, we accrete all this crud separating ourselves from that self. So much of that crud is trauma from when we were little that we don’t even remember, but it set up a series of beliefs that we use to live our lives.

It’s time to shed our fixed delusions. How do I know I am good enough? Why am I right? What makes me choose for me?

One of the fixed delusions many of us have is the idea that we have to hide our true selves or no one will like us.

Searching out our fixed delusions is pretty easy. Look for your stuff that starts with “I never,” or “I always” and then continues with something sad or bad. You may find ‘em filed under “I don’t,” or “I can’t.” Look for thoughts that make your feelings sink.

We create our limits, and then use those made-up limits to define ourselves.

Poor we.

How do I choose to support me? What makes me treat me with kindness and respect? Why am I patient with my foibles?

Choosing our authentic self requires an initial outlay of courage and trust. Most of the really awesome things do. But once we’ve made that choice, life gets easier, life gets nicer. A lot nicer. Not pretending saves a lot of energy. We can use that energy to do fun stuff, or satisfying stuff, stuff to support our families or communities.

Choosing our authentic self makes room in our lives for us to breathe. When we aren’t trying to keep up some sort of shell around us all the time, we can relax. As we relax, it becomes easier to let our life flow, we don’t get stuck as often or for as long. We see more beauty, we find more enjoyment, the sun is sunnier.

Sometimes we think we are unlovable. Sometimes we think that if people saw our real selves they would shun us. Fixed delusions. We are all, at our core, lovable. You are so lovable.

Sometimes we think that we have to fix everything around us, and then we will be happy. We can’t. It’s like trying to breathe all the air. What we can do is take care of our own stuff. As we do that, we make subtle shifts in our behavior and that makes the people around us shift, too. Sometimes, they shift closer to us, and cleaner, and sometimes they may shift away.
Sometimes we take stuff personally, and think we are being shunned, or people are mean to us because we aren’t good enough, or lovable, you know, that kind of thing.  It’s not personal. Or everything is personal. However it goes, choose to do something else rather than suffer with it.

How have I changed from hiding my real self to stepping out and showing up?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2014 all rights reserved 01052014

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