Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Dahling, You are So Divine!

Dahling, You are So Divine!

How do I express my spirituality? Do I ever think about it? Do I consider my divinity? Do I consider my life meaningful?

Spirit, soul, life-force, down at the core of ourselves, this resides. We have a lot of ways to look at it, and as many ways to think about it as there are we.

In the Before Time, I had one of “those” moments. I was as sad as can be, wondering what I would do to to me in, when all of a sudden, I became aware of my perfect self, resting like a pearl, deep inside. Perfect. Me.

On the one hand, I felt so far from it.

On the other hand, it was me, or I was it, or some kind of very intimate relationship existed there.

On the third hand, I knew, in that moment, that I could draw close to that perfect self, that I could be happy, and live my natural life. I chose it.

It’s been a long road. I have learned so much. But the most important thing I have learned is that, at our core, we are all perfect. Knowing that has been so liberating.

We all have stuff that moves us back from our perfect self. We all have options for moving in closer again. We need to choose that direction, that path, however it looks for us. We need to find trustworthy teachers, and do what they say to the best of our ability. We need to treat ourselves with respect in order that we might treat each other respectfully. We need to find moments of sanctuary every day,

We need to relax. There is nothing going on in our lives that can’t be made worse by stressing about it.

We need to shift our thoughts from dark, down, and doom to light, bright, and cheery.

We need to remember that we are not our circumstance. By creating distance inside between us and what’s going on in our lives, we give ourselves a little wiggle room. We can use that room to choose to bring light to the world, to our world, to our loved ones. I would much rather be a source of light than a source of smelly gunk. That bit of distance lets me do that.

We need to remember that, at every moment, we have choices. Spend some time thinking about what your choices are. If you have a dire situation, brainstorm solutions, no holds barred, wacky or silly, or huge, or serious. Coming up with twenty or thirty or a hundred and fifty solutions to a problem, even if they aren’t practical, helps us stay relaxed. It is much easier to come up with solutions when we are calm than when we are freaking out.

And keeping our thoughts soft lets us flow in towards our perfect selves, our spiritual selves. Keeping our thoughts soft lets us move closer to our natural life of joy and peace, health and plenty, love and satisfaction.

How have I changed from feeling cramped and miserable to being on my sacred path?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 04022013

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