Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Third Time's the Charm

Third Time’s the Charm

In an unprecedented event, I have drawn the “environment” card again. That’s three times in a bit over a week.

I am guessing that a lot of us are asking a lot of bad creative questions right now, for a bunch of reasons. Stuff is happening all over, as it often does in the spring. And many of those questions are based on fear. I’m not going to give them room here. You know what yours are.

As someone who lived in fear for many years, I will tell you this. Most of the time, it is a colossal waste of time.

The world has never been as safe as it is now. We have, for example, less chance of being murdered or mugged than ever before in the history of the world.

If you are not safe, get safe. Get out of your abusive relationship. Move to a better neighborhood. Find a better job. Get help if you can’t do it alone. I know it’s not easy, but it is that simple.

If you are relatively safe, and still scared, stop it. That kind of fear is a habit.

That’s what I lived in, habit-fear. It was so ingrained in me that I thought everyone just felt like that all the time. I thought everyone slept poorly, had anxiety attacks, constant tension headaches, bad skin, and so on. I was so shut down I had no idea what I was feeling, except I cried a lot. I was in a state of adrenal exhaustion most of the time.

And I could tell something was wrong, and I got help.

What it boils down to is this.The opposite of fear is trust. The opposite of worry is trust. The opposite of anger is trust.

When I trust that things will work out for me, I feel light-hearted. When I trust that my circumstances will improve, I relax. When I trust that I can handle it, whatever my current “it” is, I feel competent.

When I feel competent, when I feel relaxed, when I feel light-hearted, I make better choices.

When I trust, I feel like the Universe is there for my benefit. Everything I need is available one way or another. All the help I need is available. All the resources. All the power.

When I trust the Universe, or me, or God, or whatever you want to call it, I am no longer a victim. You can do to me as you will, and I am fine.

When I trust, I am able to easily take radical responsibility for my whole life. And as I take that responsibility, for my well being, my health, my environment, my relationships, and so on, I own more and more of my own power, I spend less and less time in bad habit-feelings and habit-behaviors. I have more time, more cheerful, quality time, for you. I love that.

How have I changed from wasting my energy in fear to trusting that my environment is for my well being?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 04162013

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