Monday, April 01, 2013

Don't Want That

Don’t Want That

We people are so cute. We kinda spend a lot of time wishing stuff were different. We complain about our lives being hard, We go on about wanting more money, or less work, about not getting help, or too many people messing stuff up. We have huge feelings about stuff that’s none of our business, and most of the time, we don’t do anything else beyond that.

We are so cute.

Except that it’s not really cute at all.

You have such amazing potential. You are a powerhouse of amazing potential. You live in a culture with ample resources, with tons of people who want to help you find your way, correct your course, set your sails. There are so many ways to accomplish what you could accomplish.

So what’s stopping us?

We are. It’s not society, or our families, or our bosses. It’s us.

It’s not fate, or destiny. It’s not luck.

It’s just us.

We have ideas about how our lives are supposed to go. We get those ideas as little children, for the most part, from our primary caregivers, from our teachers, or troop leaders, or religious advisors, and so on. They make it clear that we will be X, whatever random thing X represents. And we decide to believe that those limits are as good as carved in stone.

Except that it’s not carved in stone. It’s little fluffy ideas in our heads that stop up our ears when we hear people telling us ways to change our lot, or fill our eyes when we read about good options for us. Fluffy little ideas that have subliminal messages that say “I can’t.”

Decide to banish those ideas. Open the windows of your mind, and let the fresh, cleansing air in.

Get some paper and a pen. Give yourself twelve minutes on a digital timer.

Take some time to think about what you want. Okay, I get it, we’ll do it your way, so:

First, take some time to think about what you don’t want. Write that down.

Now, that we’ve gotten that out, think about what you do want. Maybe just one area. One thing you want. Is it a be, a do, or a have? Mine right now is a washing machine.

Make it into a good Creative Question. Why do I love my new washing machine? Why do I enjoy my free time? Why do I enjoy good health? What makes me love my new income?

Treat that want as though it is already true. Feel how you feel now that you have it. Enjoy that feeling. Experience it all around.

Ding! Now that you’ve done your ground work, you can go to that good Creative Question many times a day if you wish, enjoying having that which you want. And be sure to let me know when you get it.

How have I changed from focusing on what I don’t want to thinking about what I do want?

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