Sunday, September 08, 2013

It’s Alive!

It’s Alive!

Alive! How much fun is being alive! Engaged, present, aware, connected, happy, satisfied. Being alive is so full of great adjectives. It’s so much nicer than when what I thought I wanted was oblivion.

Sometimes we have a topic in our lives that seems overwhelming. We can’t come up with a solution. We get really scared, and so what we decide to do is escape, or get sick, or die.

I haven’t seen the last one often, but from time to time I have seen it happen. It’s more common that we will get sick, and most common that we escape. How sad. We all have our favorite ways of escaping; TV, glamorizing, fighting, drug and alcohol and food binges, the news, watching sports, gambling, shopping, and so on. I have my favorites, too, but they don’t really help, it just puts off what we need to do.

We talk about the getting sick phenomenon when we say that XYZ makes us sick. I don’t make this stuff up. The more research we do, the more we find out how literal is the connection between our minds and bodies. And the more we clear out our old emotional traumas, the healthier our bodies get.

And so we spend our days feeling sick or miserable, or distracting the heck out of ourselves, and the troubles grow and grow until they fall on our heads.

Meanwhile, we are asking horrible creative questions. Why am I so stuck? Why do I feel so bad? Why do I have such terrible problems? How do I know I can’t handle this? What makes me fail?

And you see what happens. We answer those horrible creative questions, and those answers make us feel horribler and horribler. And we do more and more stuff to avoid.

I drank for oblivion. Gross. Blackouts are awful. Why am I such a loser? Why am I so messed up? Oh, yeah, bad questions.

So then, we have to break those patterns and habits, and shift ourselves into a new, higher frequency. We are worth so much more. Even if we have learned to ask bad creative questions. Even if we do think the answers we get to those bad questions are true.

We are worth a happy life. We are worth learning to ask good Creative Questions. We are worth more than we can imagine.

Why am I so alive? What makes me feel so lively? Why do I enjoy living? Why do I find solutions?

What makes me feel excited? Why do I feel so engaged? What makes it so fun?

As I practice asking these questions, I start finding more fun. I start finding more exciting things to do. I enjoy more spontaneity. They make subtle shifts deep inside, and those shifts make it easier for me to feel more; more joy, more excitement, more engaged with life. As I stop asking horrible questions, it is way easier for me to relax. And when I relax, I feel more peaceful, even when I am having an exciting time. What a fun and goofy contradiction!

How have I changed from trying to hide to loving being alive?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 09082013

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