Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fun With Awareness

Fun With Awareness

Today I drew the awareness card. What a good reminder. How useful it is to be aware, or present, or alert.

When I am aware, I don’t tend to walk into things, unless it’s something like an open doorway. I don’t tend to stub my toes or to run into stuff with my car (and there is still that loooong scrape on the fence where I park that reminds me.)

When I am aware, I tend to know right where my keys, cell phone, and purse are. When I am aware, I put them where they go.

It takes practice, well, it took me a lot of practice. I was so unaware of my world. I was up in my head, feet out of my feelings, deaf to the world, not seeing where I was going, either on the sidewalk or in my life.

I started practicing moving with more awareness by looking for coins on the sidewalk. On campus, where I was walking, there are a lot of coins. Don’t know why, there just are.

Before, I was walking with my head hung low; worrying, suffering, in pain, looking in at how bad I felt, how awful I was, rehearsing and rehearsing all that ick. Looking for coins made me look at what was outside me, and I stumbled less often. I liked that.

Little by little, I started to think about where my feet were, when I was walking, or working out, or sitting at my desk, or going to sleep. When I noticed where my feet where, I could get into my body. I noticed how I felt, not just hungry or cold, but emotions and feelings. It made it much easier to tell when I was right there, instead of looking in from some mysterious other place.

When I am not stuck in my head, thinking my horrible thoughts, I notice the beauty all around me. I see people being kind to each other. I am in the world, in the sunshine, in the rain, in the sleet, or wind. I find nature happening all around, birds arguing, squirrels dashing here and there, flowers pushing up within the cracks in the sidewalk. Why do I choose to  see?

When I am aware, my food has flavor, my coffee does, too. When I am aware, I remember to breathe, big, lavish breathes all the way in, all the way out. All the smells, all the tastes, all the sensations. What makes me present?

When I am aware, I notice where I need to soften, to lighten up, to be gentle. I notice, and stop awful thoughts. I notice and change bad behaviors. Why am I relaxed?

When I am aware, I see you. I see the little, sweet things you do. I see the kindness inside you, I see your heart. I hear you, I hear your words, and what you mean. I notice how diligently you work at making the world, and your community, your family and yourself the best they can be.

When I am aware, I naturally take good care all around. I sleep better, I eat better, I love movement, I enjoy my work, I savor my friendships more deeply.

Awareness brings me easily into my life. When I am present in my life, I can appreciate more, enjoy more, evolve more easily. Awareness is fun.

How have I changed from stumbling through my days to savoring the living of my life?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 09292013

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