Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Bestest Present

The Bestest Present

Creative Questions are so great; simple to use, dynamic and powerful. When I remember to apply them, I often feel instantly better. You know I use my decks, both editions, every day to pull our card of the day, but I also use them just for me, to give my day a focus, to get my mind thinking on a wholesome and healing track.

I have the cards with special import for me tucked up around the house where I see them every day.

Somedays, I will be messing around with the questions on a card, and I will hit a certain rephrase, and start crying, or heave a huge sigh, or get a tingly feeling, or some other “tell.” Then I know I’ve found a life-changer. Because Creative Questions do that. They help us change our lives with easy and comfort.

Sometimes, I pull a card that feels like a prize because it’s simple clarity has made such a huge difference in my life, and does so every day. I got one of those today, “Why am I aware?”

Choosing awareness, sometimes over and over and over, keeps me present.

I used to think that living in the moment meant being heedless of the future, and I spent a chunk of it drunk or high. And then I would pay for it by feeling awful, or being in trouble, or having done something really stupid.

Being present, choosing awareness, never costs me. It rewards me over and over. When I choose to be present, I see beauty in the most amazing, unlikely places. When I choose to be present, I see into your sweet heart, I can see your core self. I find my perfect self more easily, too.

Choosing awareness slows down my insides. I can still move fast on the outside, maybe even faster if I want, because I’m not distracted by hiding from stuff. Slowing down on the insides keeps me in touch with my thoughts and emotions. What might have been a rage attack in the olden days might now be just a flicker because I notice it faster, and experience the emotion, and let it go.

I love to do stuff, all kinds of stuff, from cooking and blessing my house to making things, to writing songs; stuff. In the dark ages, I did stuff, too, but again, it cost me. One way it cost was in my procrastination.

When I choose awareness, I seem to unchoose procrastination. I find that I want to do the stuff I didn’t just so I can have it done. My former selves are all agog at that. Procrastination was such a way of life, that feeling of living on the edge of trouble all the time. It was exciting in that crappy way that leaves you feeling icky, and guilty. Sometimes I couldn’t pull the iron out of the fire fast enough. Then I would have to pay the piper. Piper’s pay sucks.

When I choose awareness, I take care of me. I take better care of myself. I get more sleep. I enjoy playing and moving my body. I experience my emotions more quickly rather than letting them build up into huge feelings. I can choose what I want to do, instead of feeling like I am compelled to waste my time. This is a process, not a done deal.

How have I changed from blindly smashing around in my life to living in shining awareness?

(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 12252013

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