From Pointless to Pointful
How do I live a meaningful life? Why do I make a difference? What makes me see my divinity?
Aren’t these nice questions?
Are you getting nice answers? Or at least a nice feeling? Keep asking, and maybe mess with the wording a bit.
Back when, I made a difference by setting a bad example. At least, that’s how I felt. But then, so much of how we experience the world is based on how we feel.
If I want to feel like I’m living a meaningful life, and I don’t, then I need to look at me for my solutions. I need to look at what I’m doing. Do I have activities that feel meaningful to me? Do I take care of my family in ways that make a difference to them? Maybe I do some volunteer work in one of my communities. Perhaps there is an elderly neighbor I check in on.
I need to look at my thoughts. Am I putting me down all the time? Telling myself that I don’t matter, what I do doesn’t matter, that I am dirt, or scum, or garbage? I may have some other version of I’m not good enough. Or that I’m wrong, or bad for simply existing. We all have something like that, our Personal Doubt.
Maybe in my thoughts, I say that my work is bad, that I don’t do enough for anyone, that my efforts don’t count. We may have a way of putting down our efforts, or diminishing or degrading what we accomplish. We may try extra hard, or we may give up. Either way, those decisions are based on old old old mislearnings on which we base our understanding of the world.
Sometimes, we end up pumping up our efforts false, to try to cover up how bad we feel.
Not very meaningful. In fact, it is really sad that so many of us live like this.
How do I feel when I feel my divinity? What makes me feel sacred? How do I experience my natural life?
When I start choosing to live my natural live, I start unchoosing my mislearnings. I am willing to look at me, to consider that my beliefs may need an overhaul. When I start choosing to live my natural life, I am willing to entertain the possibility that maybe my ideas about who I am, how I am, and maybe even why I am, are off. Maybe even really off. And I become willing to release those old beliefs and start incorporating new ones, ones that support my natural life, support simple changes, support good tiny choices every day.
When I start feeling my natural life, I will find moments of bliss on a regular basis, I will feel joy frequently. I will find even my mundane tasks satisfying. I will feel that my day’s activities mattered, that I made a contribution. I will feel like I was naturally kind and compassionate. I will feel my wisdom, and see my brilliance. I will expect miracles, and I will recognize them, and feel appreciation for them. I will fall asleep contented with my day, and awake looking forward to another day of peaceful core, relaxed in mind and body, with passions to pursue, people to love and engage with, and a sense of the pervasive sacredness of life.
How have I changed from feeling like it’s all pointless to fully experiencing my natural life?
(c) 2014 Pam Guthrie all rights reserved 01312014