Going Your Own Way
Have you written your manifesto? I like the word because I like to feel like I am a good manifestrix.
A manifesto is a written statement of goals and beliefs, perfect for we who are cleaning up our acts.
To write my manifesto, I need to know some stuff. I need to know what my goals are. On the one hand, thinking about my goals can make me roll my eyes, I mean, really, free spirits don’t have goals, they just live! They let life unfold before them. They live in the moment. Except that if I don’t have a good idea of where I want to go, I’ll end up somewhere else, and maybe not where I wanna be.
What makes me decide what I want? Why do I choose? How do I know I have preferences?
Thinking about what I do want is so worthwhile in a bunch of ways. When I am clear on what I want, and what I don’t want, I can let go of what I don’t want and put my energies towards what I want.
A clear goal is specific. “I wanna be rich” is not specific. “I will own a million dollars by my birthday in 2018,” That is specific. It has a how much and a by when.
We can do the same with any goal, just make it specific, and be sure to include a by when time.
One of the other things I need to include in my manifesto is some of my beliefs. It is especially helpful to include here things that I want to believe, but maybe haven’t quite accepted yet.
A good place to start is with your Creative Questions card deck. Flip through your deck and notice the questions where you get a bump. These are the questions where you have some resistance, the ones you can do a little work on.
When you have your list of goals and beliefs, you are ready to write. Use pen and paper, not the computer, to start. Writing with a pen is a very organic tool to help get your whole system involved.
Do you have a theme you like to live by? Mine shifts around a bit, but the gist is this:
*I believe that each of us has within us our perfect self and our natural life. I see my work as providing a safe place for us to nurture our perfect selves and natural lives.
*I believe that happiness is a choice. I believe that peace is a choice. I believe that I have the power to choose.
*I choose to double my readership by April 2014.
*I choose to publish my ebooks by April 2014
*I choose to simplify my space by April 2014
(In case you didn’t guess, April is my birthday month. That’s a nice goals marker.)
There are a hundred websites that tell you how to write your manifesto. If you feel stuck, use them for inspiration.
If you want my help, message me.
How have I changed from drifting through my life to choosing my own way?
(c) Pam Guthrie 2013 all rights reserved 10312013